JiA-Case 2024
For the twelfth year in a row, we are pleased to present the JiA Case, organized in collaboration with Gernandt & Danielsson. This year's case – taking place on November 4th – aims to provide a realistic and enjoyable insight into what it’s like for an associate to handle a real case at a business law firm!
The day begins with breakfast at the Grand Hotel in Lund. That's when one of the firm's most important clients contacts you with an unexpected problem. You and your team will have until the afternoon to come up with a solution to present to your client. Just like in real life – and unlike preparing for an exam – you can't prepare in advance, as all conditions and reference materials are provided on the spot. The case is carried out in teams of up to six people, and you can register individually, in pairs, or as a group. Lawyers from Gernandt & Danielsson will be present to offer advice and support throughout the day, which will end with a pleasant dinner together at Mat & Destillat, where the prize ceremony will also take place.
Each member of the winning team will receive a contribution towards purchasing course literature, valued at 2,000 SEK at Campusbokhandeln. Additionally, the winners will receive tickets to the autumn party and the after-party on November 7th at AF-borgen!
The number of places is limited and priority is given to those who are studying or have studied the 3rd semester, as the case mainly concerns company and stock market law issues. However, everyone is warmly welcome to register and may participate if places are available.
Anmälan öppnar den 14 oktober kl. 12:00 i appen och kl. 13:00 på Facebook och stänger den 24 oktober, så missa inte detta då det är först till kvarn som gäller.
Please note that a membership in Studentlund as well as in the Law Students' Association is required to participate in the event.
This event will be held in Swedish.
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