JiA-Case 2024

For the eleventh year in a row, we have the great pleasure of presenting the JiA-Case, which is organized in collaboration with Gernandt & Danielsson. This year's case - which starts on November 4th - aims to give a realistic and fun insight into how it can go when a paralegal takes on a sharp case at a business law firm!


The day starts with breakfast at Grand Hotel in Lund. At that time, one of the firm's most important clients contacts you about a problem you weren't prepared for at all. After that you and your team - which is comprised of at most six people - have until the afternoon to come up with a solution to present to your client (which is represented by a jury). Just as in real life - and unlike how it is when studying for an exam - you can't prepare, and all prerequisites and reference material is given to you on the spot. 

Each member of the winning team receives a grant for the purchase of course literature, to the value of SEK 2,500 at the Campus Bookstore. In addition, the winners get tickets to the autumn party and the after-party on November 7 in AF-borgen!

The number of places is limited and priority is given to those who are studying or have studied the 3rd semester, as the case mainly concerns company and stock market law issues. However, everyone is warmly welcome to register and may participate if places are available.

Let us know if you have any questions at:

A unique insight into working life

The JiA-days are filled to the brim with exiting events which gives you a unique insight in the workplace. Sign-ups for the events (and a whole lot more) will be in the app on both Google Play and Appstore. Download it today and put on notifications so you won't miss anything!